- Include healthy eating strategies in your everyday life?
- Have access to reliable food advice?
- Manage your specific health condition with food?
- Cultivate confidence in the kitchen and at the grocery store?
- Learn simple strategies to manage and maintain your weight?
- Talk to a REAL expert instead of feeling lost on Google?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, I can help YOU!

1 person – 60 minutes – $135.
Couples – 75 minutes – $160.

1 person – 30 minutes – $65.
Couples – 45 minutes – $95.
Let ME be your trustworthy nutrition coach, and accountability partner in your quest toward better health & vitality!
My nutrition expertise is extensive. I will show you how to love food while:

- Losing Weight – Weight Loss
- Fighting Cholesterol
- Lowering Blood Pressure
- Controlling your Diabetes
- Avoiding the Metabolic Syndrome
As a woman, I specialize in women’ s health, hormones and PCOS too! (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Book an appointment

#101 -267 O'Connor Street
Inside the PhysioPro Office
Ottawa, ON
Get in touch with Hélène
Contact Hélène directly for workshops, presentations, media and TV appearances or partnerships.
Services available both in French and English.